What training is required of an Acupuncturist?

Many acupuncturists have already had a bachelor degree or masters in a previous field of education. However one needs the minimum 60 hours of college credit, to attend a school endorsed by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 1800 hours of acupuncture training, and 450 hours in herbal therapies. An acupuncture student must pass a practicum before graduating. An acupuncturist takes a comprehensive national board exam proving his or her competence in biomedicine, acupuncture foundation, acupuncture, and herbology. In Texas, acupuncturists must also pass an ethics exam to practice acupuncture in the state. Practicing acupuncturists must continue actively learning about acupuncture in order to maintain their license.

Posted in: Acupuncture

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